Detailed protein analysis of the rat MUP complex

Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, Stuart D. Armstrong, Josiah O. Halstead, Mark Prescott, Sarah A. Roberts, Lynn McLean, Jonathan M. Mudge, Jane L. Hurst & Robert J. Beynon (2019) Molecular complexity of the major urinary protein system of the Norway rat, Rattus norvegicus. [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]

New paper on CSF proteomics in paediatric meningitis

Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, Richard J. Bennett, Carmen Martínez-Rodríguez, Małgorzata Wnk, Gavin Laing, Graeme Hickey, Lynn McLean, Robert J. Beynon & Enitan D. Carrol (2017) Quantitative Proteomics of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Paediatric Pneumococcal Meningitis. [PDF] [PUBMED]


MUP variation in mouse subspecies

Hurst JL, Beynon RJ, Armstrong SD, Davidson AJ, Roberts SA, Gómez-Baena G, Smadja CM, Ganem G. (2017) Molecular heterogeneity in major urinary proteins of Mus musculus subspecies: potential candidates involved in speciation. [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]

Proteomics of a marine organism

María del Carmen Muñoz-Marín, Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, Jesús Díez, Robert J. Beynon, David González-Ballester. Mikhail V. Zubkov and José M. García-Fernández (2017) Glucose Uptake in Prochlorococcus: Diversity of Kinetics and Effects on the Metabolism [PDF] [OA] [Abstract...]

Complete de novo sequencing of a mouse lemur protein

Jennifer Unsworth, Grace M. Loxley, Amanda Davidson, Jane L. Hurst, Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, Nicholas I. Mundy, Robert J. Beynon, Elke Zimmermann & Ute Radespiel. (2017) Characterisation of urinary WFDC12 in small nocturnal basal primates, mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.) [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]

Of mice, mups and mass spectrometry

Robert J. Beynon, Stuart D. Armstrong, Amy J. Claydon, Amanda J. Davidson, Claire E. Eyers, James I. Langridge, Guadalupe Gómez-Baena, Victoria M. Harman, Jane L. Hurst, Victoria Lee, Lynn McLean, Rebecca Pattison, Sarah A. Roberts, Deborah M. Simpson, Jenny Unsworth, Matthias Vonderach, Jonathan Williams and Yvonne E. Woolerton (2015) Mass spectrometry for structural analysis and quantification of the Major Urinary Proteins of the house mouse. [PDF] [NotEvenIndexedInPubmed?] [Abstract...]

Rats have MUPs too - but different!

Gómez-Baena G, Armstrong SD, Phelan MM, Hurst JL, Beynon RJ. (2014). The major urinary protein system in the rat. [PUBMED][PDF] [Abstract...]