Secretome analysis of cancer cells
J. Dinesh Kumar, Iman Aolymat, Laszlo Tiszlavicz, Zita Reisz, Hanan M. Garalla, Rob Beynon, Deborah Simpson, Graham J. Dockray and Andrea Varro (2019) Chemerin acts via CMKLR1 and GPR1 to stimulate migration and invasion of gastric cancer cells: putative role of decreased TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]
SIDLS: stable isotope labelling for secretome dynamics
Hammond DE, Kumar JD, Raymond L, Simpson DM, Beynon RJ, Dockray GJ, Varro A. (2018) Stable Isotope Dynamic Labeling of Secretomes (SIDLS) Identifies Authentic Secretory Proteins Released by Cancer and Stromal Cells. [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]