Dynamic SILAC
How to best measure protein turnover in complex systems
Hammond DE, Simpson DM, Franco C, Wright Muelas M, Waters J, Ludwig RW, Prescott MC, Hurst JL, Beynon RJ, Lau E. (2022) Harmonizing Labeling and Analytical Strategies to Obtain Protein Turnover Rates
in Intact Adult Animals. [PUBMED] [Abstract...]
in Intact Adult Animals. [PUBMED] [Abstract...]
Secretome analysis of cancer cells
J. Dinesh Kumar, Iman Aolymat, Laszlo Tiszlavicz, Zita Reisz, Hanan M. Garalla, Rob Beynon, Deborah Simpson, Graham J. Dockray and Andrea Varro (2019) Chemerin acts via CMKLR1 and GPR1 to stimulate migration and invasion of gastric cancer cells: putative role of decreased TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]
SIDLS: stable isotope labelling for secretome dynamics
Hammond DE, Kumar JD, Raymond L, Simpson DM, Beynon RJ, Dockray GJ, Varro A. (2018) Stable Isotope Dynamic Labeling of Secretomes (SIDLS) Identifies Authentic Secretory Proteins Released by Cancer and Stromal Cells. [PDF] [PUBMED] [Abstract...]
Improving the quality of turnover measurement
Stephen W. Holman, Dean E. Hammond, Deborah M. Simpson, John Waters, Jane L. Hurst and Robert J. Beynon (2016) Protein turnover measurement using selected reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (SRM MS). [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Proteome dynamics in a non-model species - the challenges!
Hammond DE, Claydon AJ, Simpson DM, Edward D, Stockley P, Hurst JL, Beynon RJ. (2016) Proteome Dynamics: Tissue Variation in the Kinetics of Proteostasis in Intact Animals. [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Dynamic sperm labelling
Claydon AJ, Ramm SA, Pennington A, Hurst JL, Stockley P, Beynon R. (2012) Heterogenous turnover of sperm and seminal vesicle proteins in the mouse revealed by dynamic metabolic labeling. [PUBMED][PDF] [Abstract...]
Whole animal protein turnover studies
Claydon, A.J., Thom, M.D., Hurst, J.L. & Beynon, R.J. (2011) Protein turnover: measurement of proteome dynamics by whole animal metabolic labelling with stable isotope labelled amino acids. Proteomics 12:1194-1206 [PUBMED][PDF] [Abstract...]
Enzyme turnover and metabolic regulation
Arden, C, Petrie, J.L., Tudhope, S.J., Al-Oanzi, Z., Claydon, A.J., Beynon, R.J., Towle, H.C. & Agius, L. (2011)Elevated glucose represses liver glucokinase and induces its regulatory protein to safeguard hepatic phosphate homeostasis [PUBMED][PDF] [Abstract...]
Strategies for dynamic SILAC
Claydon, A & Beynon R (2011) Protein Turnover Methods in Single-Celled Organisms: Dynamic SILAC [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
First paper on proteome turnover
Pratt, J. M., Petty, J., Riba-Garcia, I., Robertson, D. H., Gaskell, S. J., Oliver, S. G. & Beynon, R. J. (2002). Dynamics of protein turnover, a missing dimension in proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics 1, 579-91. [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Protein turnover in a vertebrate
Doherty MK, McClean L, Edwards I, McCormack H, McTeir L, Whitehead C, Gaskell SJ, Beynon RJ. (2004) Protein turnover in chicken skeletal muscle: understanding protein dynamics on a proteome-wide scale. Br Poult Sci. 45 Suppl 1:S27-8 [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Metabolic labelling in proteomics
Beynon RJ, Pratt J.M. (2005) Metabolic labelling of proteins for proteomics. Mol Cell Proteomics. 4, 857-872 [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Proteome dynamics review
Beynon RJ.(2005) The dynamics of the proteome: strategies for measuring protein turnover on a proteome-wide scale. Brief Funct Genomic Proteomic. 3, 382-390 [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
First paper on dynamic SILAC in intact animals
Doherty, M.K., Whitehead, C., McCormack, H., Gaskell, S.J. & Beynon, R.J. (2005) Proteome dynamics in complex organisms: using stable isotopes to monitor individual protein turnover rates. Proteomics 5, 522-533 [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Proteasome proteolysis
Hayter JR, Doherty MK, Whitehead C, McCormack H, Gaskell SJ & Beynon RJ. (2005) The subunit structure and dynamics of the 20S proteasome in chicken skeletal muscle. Mol. Cell. Proteomics. 4, 1370-1381 [PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Proteome dynamics
Doherty MK, Beynon RJ. (2006) Protein turnover on the scale of the proteome. Expert Rev Proteomics. 1, 97-110[PUBMED] [PDF] [Abstract...]
Proteome turnover: why is it not being studied?
Beynon, R.J. & Pratt, J.M. (2006) Strategies for measuring dynamics: the temporal component of proteomics. Methods Biochem Anal. 2006;49:15-25 [PUBMED] [Abstract...]